My sleep apnea journey

This is a diary of my experiences as a sleepy mom, through apnea diagnosis and treatment. I have appreciated the information I have learned on the internet and especially appreciate the personal accounts of other's journeys. Stay tuned, it will be a wild ride.

My Photo
Location: Alabama, United States

My husband and I have been married since 1989. We have a son ('95) and daughter ('97). We have another daughter in heaven since 2000. I am a stay at home mom with a current nursing license. I started this Photo-A-Day blog to document my family's everyday life and to challenge me to grow a bit as a photographer.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Official Count and Amount

When I was at my Oral Surgeon's office on Thursday I picked up a copy of the operative report for my surgery.

During my surgery he was able to move my maxilla forward 4mm. My mandible was moved forward 12mm and my genioglossus advancement was 7-8mm.

That's alot of movement! No wonder my chin doesn't dissapear inside my turtleneck when I look down anymore! I am anxious to see how my face will look when all the swelling is gone. Time will tell.


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